Who I Wish I Were

Most days I wish to be a better version of myself than I am. This carries over into every aspect of my life. I wish I were a person who worked out as a habit. I’m not. I wish I were the “fun parent” in our house. I’m not. I wish I were an employee who was a model of productivity. I’m not. A few months ago was inspired to try to David Allen’s “Getting Things Done.” But, I found that I was entirely to busy to actually read the book. It is now sitting in my right-hand, top desk drawer, all bright, shiny, and new. I’d sell it on eBay, except that takes time.

When life gets busy and hectic, the thing that suffers most is my health and time with my husband and daughter. I really don’t think work is more important in theory, but in reality, I make it more important. I want to grow my practice and improve my skills, but I do not want to do it at the expense of my personal relationships. I got the news this week that the daughter of some of our friends was diagnosed with an extremely rare genetic condition. She was born one week before Baby Girl and they now have gotten the news that she most likely will never make it to her teenage years.

Things like that put life into perspective. Work is important, but health and family are more important. I decided this week (Monday to be exact) that instead of wishing I were more fit and healthier, that I have to MAKE IT HAPPEN. Let’s face it, I ain’t get any younger. The best years of my metabolism are gone. I need to take care of my health and I have to be the one who does it. Also, I am the one who determines what my relationship with Baby Girl ultimately becomes. So, I have resolved to make sure that I have time to play with Baby Girl every evening.

Since Monday, I have eaten healthier, but I still have to find the time to squeeze in some exercise. Play time, that has happened. Baby girl and I giggled and tickled and read books last night. I can do this. I can take my life from wishes to reality. As I always say, even if you don’t win every battle, keep fighting the war!